


Little feet, little hands, little tears, and most of all, BIG SMILES!  These are the little people moments you want to remember.  Your session will include lighthearted interaction to help your child feel comfortable and may take place on location or at your home.  Bring a change of clothes (as long as little one is happy) and any memory objects that may be a favorite… remember, the focus is on having fun so their personalities can shine!  Feel free to plan a couple fun activities such as reading a favorite book or playing a favorite game.   Sessions usually last about one hour, but we’re in no hurry, so don’t you be!  Package includes photographer’s time and talent, custom processing, and online ordering gallery, as well as a 50.00 credit applied toward print or collection purchases within three weeks of gallery posting.                                         
High School Graduates
Make the moment matter.  Everything's changing; you're passionate about the person you are, and the person you're becoming.  Let's go play together - up to two hours on location and as many changes as we can squeeze in.  Call for a consultation to plan your adventure.  Includes 5 watermarked images to use on your web pages, along with photographer's time and talent and a 50.00 print credit toward your prints purchased within three weeks of gallery hosting.  All your gallery images will be hand-edited  including skin touch-ups!                      
College Graduates


